Friday, August 20, 2010

We're home

It's over... back to real life. We got in at 9am this morning. Miles was the only one who slept on the plane last night because there was a screaming 2 year old sitting behind us. She screamed that ear piercing scream almost the entire flight. Ugh. I don't know how Miles slept through that. But it's all over now!
We got in and our car was deader than a doornail. We had to call ADAC (German version of AAA) and had to purchase a 150 Euro battery on the spot. Good stuff!
It's now 7:30pm Germany time which means we've been awake for 31 hours! It's funny how riding in my parents motorhome to Detroit feels like this morning when it was well over 24 hours ago. Who needs alcohol? Just stay up a full day and you get the same affect. :)
Here are some more pics from the last week that didn't make the cut.

This pic is for you Brad. See what an awesome pic this could have been had I gotten that nice big ol' lens? :)

We're at the beach getting ready for Pentwater's annual firework show.
Miles had his own chair too