Let the German fests begin! This is probably the most fun time to live in Germany. These fests are so full of tradition and culture and we really enjoy participating in them during our short tour here. Yesterday we went to the weindorf or winefest. This is our second year trying it out. You basically walk around from booth to booth (each one completely differently) and if you are a big wine drinker (which we're not) than you can sample these wines from all over. There is also a ton of food and snacks. It's in downtown Stuttgart and I can't ever get enough of the gorgeous buildings and scenery down there.
Our menu... good thing Brad is almost an expert in German now.
One of the booths
Our lunch...Bratwurst (Brad's) and Spatzel (mine)
We each tried a glass of local wine. Not bad!
German donuts. Mmm!
Hanging out while we finish our glass of wine and donuts (never thought I'd say that sentence)
We ran into the Marston family. Shelly is one of my favorite people out here! She is a great friend who keeps me sane through the winters.
Miles and his buddy Jack
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