So we were very excited to see what all the fuss was about with the Stuttgart Christmas market. It has been a German tradition here for 300 years and people from all over the world come to visit. We met people from Australia to Ireland to the States. It was a very neat experience to say the least.

Weihnachtsmarkt is a direct translation for Christmas Market.

Here is one of the vendors up close.

So Brad and I wanted try to some local food and indulged in a crepe. We had no idea what we were ordering. Guess that's all part of the fun! I ended up getting a cinnamin and sugar crepe, while Brad's was a butter crepe. Very delicious! Can you tell Miles wanted a bite?

Looks like something you'd order from Taco Bell, huh?

This picture is to give you and idea of how crowded it was! It got worse by the minute. We had to leave by the end because there was just no room for our giant stroller to maneuver through the narrow walk ways.
Here is where you stop to eat Bratwurst and drink Glühwein. Glühwein is a hot spiced wine that is only sold this time a year. It's supposed to keep you warm and make you merry! It comes in a cup a little bigger than a shot glass. We didn't try any though. I hear most Americans are not fond of it.
Another story. Miles and cat food! I can't keep this kid away from it. I hope cat food can't harm you because I'm sure he's eaten plenty. I think he sees the cats eating it a lot and wants some as well.

I guess cat food is healthy...for cats, at least!
Thanks for sharing the pics!
I love being pregnant. I already know that when the baby comes out, I will be sad that I am all by myself again, lol. I am so used to having him in my belly that it will be weird when it is empty :( I guess he will keep me company though!
Tori ate more cat food than I care to admit. As soon as she learned to crawl, she was constantly in our old laundry room in the kitty dish. Blah. Miles, there are far too many yummy things here in Europe to eat than cat food!!
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