Monday, December 22, 2008


So, I thought I would NEVER, EVER miss the smell, taste, or looks of these cookies. But when I got them in the mail today I was pleasantly surprised! It turns out I missed them after all! I took a big whiff and memories of ovens buzzing, phones ringing, and that silly doorbell ringing all came flooding back.
For those of you who are not familiar with my cookie history, my parents have been in the business forever! I have been decorating/baking/smelling/living cookies since I was 10 years old. If anything ever happened to my parents I could practically run this business in my sleep. 

My mom was so thoughtful and made us each our own personalized cookie to look just like us. How cute is this? 
Here is Miles. Chubby cheeks and all!

Me! Although I think I look a little Barbra Streisand-ish. You think?

Ha! This makes me laugh because the face actually looks like Brad. And Mom, where is his left hand? Perhaps an itch where the sun don't shine? :)

Everyone is enjoying their cookies. Miles already ate half his. I opted to just look at mine and Brad is planning on having his for dessert. Thanks Mom!