Calling all fashionistas... or anyone with eyes. I am totally consumed in trying to find a dress for the Marine Corps Ball and I have no idea what I'm doing. I hate that I can't try them on but they are decently priced so I am going to order 2 of them and hope that one is the glass slipper.
These dresses take a month to ship (to a normal person) and the ball is 6 weeks away.
Any of them bedazzle you? They had some super fancy ones but I just can't bring myself to dress up like a princess. These are all pretty much fit my comfort level and style. By the way... I can change the color so it'll be either navy blue, red, champagne or gold to match Brad's blues!
Thanks so much for any help! You can vote to the right. Did I tell you how much I love you for your input? Gosh I miss shopping with the girls.
Dress A

Dress B

Dress J

I like G, H, and I. I think they look the most "ball" like without going over board. They are very sophisticated and elegant. I think the others remind me more of prom dresses.
Just went to the AF ball last weekend. I think C,D,F,G look the most ball like, timeless and classy. The others are more trendy. Maybe just me, but I like to buy something that I can wear to the balls at the next assignments.
Did you check Nordstrom, Saks, etc. Sometimes they have great sale prices. It is getting more difficult to find formals, I agree.
If it takes any time off of shipping, feel free to send it to me. I can ship priority over to you.
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