So we took my mom to the Weihnachtsmarkt or Christmas Market this year. The Christmas market alone was one of the main reasons I wanted her to come out the time of year she did because we were so impressed with it last year. It is such a world-wide attraction!
Here we are on the train ride there. It's only 6 stops down from our house.
This is the Neues Schloss in downtown Stuttgart. You many recognize this from some of our daytime pics. This is where the Christmas market is located!
Tasting some traditional German Glühwein.

I thought this picture was neat because the streets are lined with markets and the old church is in the background.
Right after the sun set. The whole downtown is so lit up!
My mom buying some treasures from one of the markets.
Thanksgiving evening. My mom was here too but couldn't manage to get a picture of all of us. Fun night!

That looks so cosy:)
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