Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Come on Spring! Don't be shy!

What happens when you have freezing and short days, no Target or American-anything nearby, and a girl who is dying to shop??  Me spending way too much money at Amazon!

I just love that site so much! You get such great deals on there and beats bidding on e-bay any day. However, I am not allowed to buy anything more from there until March. Brad has cut me off. 

I'm not going to complain though because we have so much fun stuff in line for February! We are going to Paris for Valentines weekend! Brad has a long weekend off work so we are flying out Feb 13-16. I'm so excited to see Pareee! We are meeting some friends there that are stationed in England and some friends of ours that live here in Stuttgart are going as well. It should be really fun!
Also, my mom is coming out for about 10 days shortly after that. We really don't have too much planned for when she is here. Just hanging out and she's going to watch Miles a couple nights for us so we can go to a party. It's been so long since we've had any kind of "adult" night. So we are really looking forward to it (and seeing her too of course! =)  )

Is anybody else dying for Spring to come? It's been freezing here since September and all I want to do is wear some capris and flip flops already! I'm so excited that it's not dark when I cook dinner anymore. The days are getting longer little by little. Come on Spring!


Becki said...

YES I'm so ready for Spring! I'm dying to take walks without 7 layers of clothes on. And btw, I haven't forgotten about being tagged :) I've got to find some good pictures :)