Saturday, August 16, 2008


Just not a lot has happened the past couple weeks. Brad and I are getting ready to move into our new apartment in about 2 weeks! Yay! We plan to put some pics up soon. We've been watching lots of Olympics. Go Michael Phelps! Wow! He is superman. I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing about the guy by now though. Looking forward to seeing if he gets his 8th medal tomorrow.

I did add a new slideshow to the left. <---- Did you see? It's just a little bit of special memories from here and there.

I can't believe Miles is turning 1 soon! Wow has time flown! I don't think we are going to do too much for it. Just have a small party for 3. If circumstances were different we would be having a fun filled party with family back home. Everyone keeps saying the first couple of birthdays are really for the parents anyway.
Speaking of Miles he is STILL not crawling. He just has no interest in it. We try practicing with him and everything and he just prefers his flat belly. Guess I can't complain though!

Guess that's it for now.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about Miles not crawling. Gregory was the same way. Then one day he just did it. I was relieved because I thought something was wrong with him. I even took him to the dr. and she just told me that all babies are different and not to worry for a few more months. Can you believe its been a year. Gregory will be one in two weeks. Its overwhelming. Lookls like you guys are doing really well... I am sure you will be excited to get settled somewhere more permanent. I read about the happy things you got from your shipment and I thought I would die without the highchair for even one day. that is the only time I can get anything done. Thank God for cheerios and highchairs. I couldn't stop laughing when I read that because only a mother could understand the importance. Its it amazing how different your priorites are when you have a baby. anyway I could go on for ever but I have to get to bed. Its Alec's first day of first grade tommorow- he is so excited. have a great day!