Sunday, August 31, 2008

Trip to the zoo

We forgot our camera last time. So we made sure to remember it this time around! There's not much difference between the zoo here an back home. I guess the obvious is everything is in German! It was hard to tell what we were looking at sometimes.

We are loving all the gardens here. They make for fun picnics!

Poor Brad. He accidently bought an extra ticket for the zoo. I can't give him too much of a hard time because I probably wouldn't have done any better. Just remember- they count the thumb!
Miles is so funny. Whenever anyone holds up a camera he puts on his cheese face. He even has a fake toy camera that he will pose for.


On a side note- We move into our apartment tomorrow! The bad news is we won't have phone or internet for 2 weeks-a month. So this will explain the lack of blogs and e-mails.
We hope everyone has a great Labor Day!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

No to apricots

I finally found a food that Miles won't eat! Its so strange because he has been tolerating apricots all this time. Today he decided he was done.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Just not a lot has happened the past couple weeks. Brad and I are getting ready to move into our new apartment in about 2 weeks! Yay! We plan to put some pics up soon. We've been watching lots of Olympics. Go Michael Phelps! Wow! He is superman. I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing about the guy by now though. Looking forward to seeing if he gets his 8th medal tomorrow.

I did add a new slideshow to the left. <---- Did you see? It's just a little bit of special memories from here and there.

I can't believe Miles is turning 1 soon! Wow has time flown! I don't think we are going to do too much for it. Just have a small party for 3. If circumstances were different we would be having a fun filled party with family back home. Everyone keeps saying the first couple of birthdays are really for the parents anyway.
Speaking of Miles he is STILL not crawling. He just has no interest in it. We try practicing with him and everything and he just prefers his flat belly. Guess I can't complain though!

Guess that's it for now.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Favorite All-time video

This was after a bath a couple nights ago. He's just too cute sometimes.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Brad's promotion

Today Brad was promoted to Staff Sergeant! (E-6) Go Brad! I am so proud of you! He had the honor of being pinned on by a 2 star General (and then I pinned the other side!)

Saluting the General

General pinning one side and Miles and I trying to pin the other. Miles kept grabbing the General's ring and his collar. He just couldn't help himself with all the shiny things.

This is our friend SSgt Hekel. He was also promoted today too.