Miles is in this new stage where he is so happy all the time. It doesn't matter if we are taking a bath or going to bed! We are really enjoying it and hope it lasts long. Here are a couple pics from last nights bath. In case you are wondering about the daddy hands. No, Daddy doesn't give the baths! Haha, I sure wish!

Ok, ok... he does have a mean face that he started doing too. I guess I will share that too. It's hard not to laugh when he does it. It's fun watching him explore all the new faces!
are his eyes brown or blue?
Blue. They always look brown in every picture. But in person they are very blue!
what a fun stage!!! i know you guys are enjoying him so much. wish we could see him!
OMG this is like THE best picture ever LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL i want one of these!!!!!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha you know you do this look right?
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