Sorry, we've been a little busy at the Lowe house and I haven't had much of a chance to really blog. Here's a couple videos of my little Miles from the past couple weeks. Enjoy!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
2 videos
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 10:39 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
The egg of SATAN!
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 1:16 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Just goofing off
Happy Easter everyone!They match!
They have ice cream men in Germany! But they're Italian ice cream men. :)
Yum yum! One scoop is all they give you.
Beautiful scenery for a family photo. Loving that trash can.
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 8:33 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Here are a couple photos from today's incident. They aren't great with the glare but you get the picture! (No pun intended)
Here we are, the Mis Splits. That is our bowling league name. Bowling was cancelled today but we were such great sports and bowled a game anyway! It was in the dark and I think it threw us all off. The guys took advantage and tried to work some new techniques since our scores didn't count towards the league. I don't think it paid off... They were doing some funky stuff. I think Brad even did a granny shot or something.
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Never again can I....
just take a "quick shower." Ever!
We got home from the gym this morning and I thought, "I'll just take a quick shower while Miles watches 'The Bee Movie'."
I'm in the shower and I notice it's awfully quiet. I guess most of us mothers know this is not a good sign. So I'm literally taking a military shower wondering what the outcome is going to be.
I finish up, rush out in a towel and am greeted by my German neighbor holding my son's hand who is covered in BLUE! As well as my floors, walls, and computer. In the total 5 minutes of my shower he managed to locate a marker (which is supposed to be on the top shelf) color everything in site, open our front door and run wild up and down the stairwell outside!
How does this happen?! I didn't know he could even open doors, let alone our front door!
I am just amazed out how my sweet little boy who normally plays quietly in the corner was left unsupervised for 5 minutes went and painted the town red or should I say blue?
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 2:50 AM 4 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
This is just our little Mizzy-Moo being his silly self.
For updates, Brad and I have our midterms this week! I can't believe we're halfway done with our first class. I can't decide if I should take another one right after it because of all the traveling we have going on. The next class after that starts while I'm in Michigan so, what to do? what to do?
We've been keeping up with our gym goals too and I'm just really happy about that. I've been discussing plans with my sister-n-law for when we're in the States and I'm going to run a 5k race with her to celebrate Independence Day. Keep in mine she is a zippy-zoo-bee so I have my work cut out for me. It should be really fun!
Oh! Almost forgot bowling! I bowled a 156 last week! 4 strikes in a row! You can bet I was gobbling (doing the Turkey) like crazy. I'm not sure what Brad's score was. He probably did better than me which is why I subconsciously block his score out of my mind. Gotta love that Baker competitive streak.
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 4:24 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Spring has Sprung!
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 1:08 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
We're coming home!

Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 2:00 AM 0 comments