Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope everyone got to eat lots of food and be with the ones you care about most.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope everyone got to eat lots of food and be with the ones you care about most.
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 12:46 AM 1 comments
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 7:00 AM 2 comments
So, we've learned that if we want to stay in because it's cold we will NEVER leave this house until May! With the days turning into nights at 4pm and the weather getting colder and colder I can see how easy it would be to get depressed.
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 8:10 AM 1 comments
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 6:45 AM 4 comments
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 9:08 AM 3 comments
I want to thank all service men and their families for everything you do! It really hits home this year not being in the States for the holidays. You guys sacrifice so much and we are so thankful! I especially want to thank my very own veteran and hero, Brad. Love ya babe!
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 5:39 AM 2 comments
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 9:33 AM 1 comments
So Brad, Miles and I did the whole trick-or-treat thing last night. I gotta say when you squeeze a bunch of trick-or-treating Americans on to 1 base it gets pretty zoo-like. Too bad I didn't get any pictures of the chaos. It was fun though. I love how Brad would hang back with Miles while I got the candy. Who knows what they thought. Probably some grown woman trying to mooch all the kids' candy. I even had a kid come up to me and say trick-or-treat! Can't you see how well I fit in?
Posted by Miles Makes 3! at 6:53 AM 2 comments